Urban terror game mode
Urban terror game mode

urban terror game mode

urban terror game mode

Jump Mode also happens to be the first major feature I implemented in UrT HD in 2011 when I joined the development team. Jumping has always had a special place in my heart, being of the things that made me stick to Urban Terror when I discovered the game back in 2008. I've worked on various areas of the game in the last two months, from the usual bug fixing to more interesting stuff like implementing an in-game console, voting system, match mode features as well as. I have some leads I'd like to explore to spend more time on developing the game while keeping a part-time job, but this will be for another blog post.


I would definitely like to work more on the game, but it is quite challenging when having a full time job and IRL occupations. The COVID-19 global pandemic has given me the rare opportunity to work almost full time on Urban Terror 5 for over a month, which was a really nice, new and enjoyable experience for me. However, opening up the game to a bunch of players outside of the development team after more than 4 years of backstage development, and getting some useful primarily feedback had a net positive effect on the overall mood and motivation of the dev team. Of course, there is still a long road ahead, and testers keep us busy with a lot of bug reports and suggestions. The feedback from testers has been overly positive so far, especially regarding movement mechanisms as well as gameplay, which are in my opinion at the core of what truly makes UrT a unique and enjoyable game. This year we kickstarted the Private Alpha of Urban Terror 5. Urban Terror 5 is starting to look and feel better than we could have hoped back in 2014 when we scrapped the Urban Terror HD project, switched to Unreal Engine 4 and started everything from scratch. Reading my past posts and watching the associated videos really made me realize how much we have achieved in the past few years. I can't believe it's been 5 years since my last blog post!

Urban terror game mode